THE POWER OF STORY: What sets Living Grace apart from other faith formation programs, is the way that it connects popular children’s literature with the themes of the Sunday Gospels. By paralleling the theme of each Gospel with a children’s story, Living Grace gives parents a cultural context and comfortable language in which to have discussions of faith with their children. The program communicates that the world is good through integrating secular children’s stories, filled with rich meaning and beautiful illustrations, that mirror the message of the Gospel. Children learn to see “God in all” building a healthy and holistic worldview. Each lesson teaches as Jesus did, through stories that illuminate the Gospel message within the cultural context of the day.
HOLISTIC: This innovative program calls upon the arts and behavioral sciences creating a fresh approach to Catholic catechesis, theology, and spirituality. It encourages a healthy and vibrant psychology, sociology, and ecclesiology in today’s Catholic life. Catering to a variety of learning styles, Living Grace effectively conveys each lesson through multiple intelligences. Catechesis is centered on the liturgy as the source and summit of our faith, bringing the Sunday Gospel into the human experience. The Christian message will be experienced and integrated in ongoing ways throughout the week.
FAMILY CENTERED: Each week, the program prepares participants for a rich experience based on the Sunday Gospel. Children and families grow in their relationship to Scripture by engaging in the related themes through many wells of human experience. The whole family works on the same themes together, growing toward greater participation in the call of the Gospel. The shared preparation and exploration of the Gospel creates a readiness to be receptive of the Sunday liturgy.
OUTCOME BASED: Living Grace fosters a sense of wonder about the Catholic faith. When nurtured and developed, this leads to ongoing formation and Christian maturity. The program invites participants into an experiential approach to faith formation by activating grace within the hearer of the Word of God. These inner movements invite transformational growth in the lives of our families and communities. The call is to become “doers“ of the Word, not just “hearers”. Grace, when activated, grows into the fruits of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer. This is evidenced by growth within the child and family of well-formed Christian character rooted in Gospel values, thus setting the foundation for strong moral development. Liturgical experience is highly improved through preparation, so that the fruit of the liturgy roots itself deeper within the lives of members of the faith community, leading to true transformation and nourishment as Catholic Christians. This program approach gives parents tools to fully nurture their children in the Catholic tradition, growing them into the very best version of themselves.